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3 Ways Your Website Can Help Your Business

Every small or mid-size business out there either has a website or is wondering why they even need one. A website is the best way to accelerate the growth for your business, bringing in prospects to fill the top of your sales pipeline. Here are 3 ways you can use your website to get calls …

Competing Against Large Companies

Building a successful new business is a tough job, especially when a new company has to compete against large, well-established businesses. While small businesses and large businesses might operate in the same market, they have substantial differences that can have a major effect on business operations. Small businesses owners know that all big businesses began …

3 Tips to Survive Tax Season For Small Businesses

Once holiday celebrations come to an end, small business owners often dread tax time. Paying out a significant percentage of the year’s income is stressful enough, but tax season also brings with it a great deal of difficulty and confusion. Common, innocent mistakes and oversights in completing required forms can lead to large penalties. Meanwhile, …

Use Customer Loyalty to Sustain & Grow Your Business

Every business owner has heard the phrase, “You only get one chance to make a first impression, make it count.” There is no doubt about it, small businesses want to build a base of loyal customers and it all starts with the first impression. Bringing in and keeping your customers loyal to your company is …

Habits of Highly Effective Small Business Owners

A habit is defined as a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur unconsciously. Habitual behavior can often go unnoticed in the person who is exhibiting it, because a person does not engage in self-analysis when undertaking routine tasks. With that being said, keeping your habits effective when operating a small …

Determine Your Small Business Goals for The New Year

Do you have a New Year’s resolution for your business? Even if you refuse to commit to a personal resolution for the new year, make sure you set one for your business. Any business, no matter how successful, always has room for new ideas and improvements. What better time to create a wish list for …