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How to Score: An Intro to Lead Scoring & Selling More With Predictive Technology

Imagine you’re generating thousands of leads a month and that list keeps growing. This might be exciting—or terrifying depending on the size of your sales team. With this incredible volume of leads, how can you and your sales team possibly know which prospects are most deserving of time and most likely to make a purchase? …

5 Tips for Handling an Employee With “Attitude”

Employers often feel trapped when dealing with attitudes of entitlement among their staff members. They endure offensive demeanors to avoid the hassles of retraining new staff, wrongful termination lawsuits and defensive hostile reactions from would-be terminated employees. Consider the example of Sherrie, a 25-year-old woman who works in the accounting department of a medical supplies …

The 3 R’s of a Successful Business

When you were in grade school, reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic were the keys to success. Now that you’re running your own business, there’s a new set of R’s: Relationships: Relationships are the core foundation for almost every successful business.  Unlike most funding sources, Reliant wants to hear your story.  To us, you are more than …

Benefiting from Outsourcing

Outsourcing, the practice of using other firms to handle work potentially performed within a company, is a familiar notion to many entrepreneurs. Some companies will outsource payroll processing, distribution, and even accounting – either because they have no in-house expertise or to minimize costs. Every business should know the benefits of outsourcing and how it …